Was ist Heimat, Anton Ioukhnovets?

„I still like all the clichéd Russian food.“

art director Anton iokhnovets passport

Shortly before the publication of our new issue, we look back at our last one. And what could be more fitting, now that we are all sitting at home, than to ask ourselves what Heimat means to us. So we asked our creative talents from Achtung Nr. 38 and they took us with them – to their Heimat.

Heimat – that sounds almost a little too old-fashioned for a networked world. A bit like the eternal yesterdays who want to see cultures separated and borders closed. We talk to people about Heimat, who are at home in the industry that benefited earlier than any other from a global world – fashion. This time we accompany Anton Ioukhnovets from New York to Moscow.

art director tunnel legs red pumps

Skirt and jacket ALEXANDER TEREKHOV; Pumps PRADA.

Sweater, dress, necklace CHANEL; Boots ELISABETTA FRANCHI.

Sweater, dress, necklace CHANEL; Boots ELISABETTA FRANCHI.

Anton Ioukhnovets came from Moscow to New York at the age of 21. But until the renowned graphic designer arrived where he is today, he was everything else: worked in construction, as a bike messenger, and later as a New York City taxi driver. On his journey he also found a home in our Achtung family and since 2012 he is the Art Director of Achtung Mode. So he has many homes and little homesickness – why sometimes a cold shot of vodka helps anyway, he tells us here.


Your full name?
Anton Ioukhnovets.

Where do you come from?
I was born and raised in Moscow, USSR.

Where do you feel at home?
In the woods outside of NYC.

Homesick – what do you do?
That feeling does not come up often anymore. But if it does, a good portion of songs by Vladimir Vysotsky straightens the mood.

Your favorite word in your mother tongue and what does it mean?
I have an arsenal of Russian words collectively called MAT. It’s an extremely versatile subset of Russian language which works for any mood.

Scents or food which represents your home region?
I still like all the clichéd Russian food — dumplings, salads with mayonnaise, pickles and, of course, a cold shot of vodka.

woman shirt colorful russia


Silk shirt and rollneck DIOR MEN.

gloves blue woman model russia


Fashion shoot art directed by Anton Ioukhnovets, photographed by Alexey Kiselev and styled by Anna Slonikova in Moscow.
Models: Valeria Di / Agentmgmt, Kozin / Lumpen.
This questionnaire first appeared in Achtung Mode Nr. 38 (September 2019).